Exercise must be a priority. But how do you fit working out into your already jammed schedule? With some careful planning, almost everyone has time to fit in some amount of exercise as part of their regular routine.
Keep track of how you spend your time on several typical days -- during the week and on the weekend. Then, think carefully about what you currently do with your time, and how you might fit in exercise. Try getting up earlier, going out after work, skipping television, or exercising during the day in ten-minute chunks. Think it's too boring? Invite a friend to go with you or watch a movie while you use the treadmill.
Here are some of the most common reasons for not exercising and alternative ways to think about them:
"I don't have time." Almost everyone has some time they can devote to exercise, even in the busiest of schedules. Get creative and find ways to be more active throughout the day.
"I'm too tired." Exercise will give you more energy, not less. You may be surprised at how much more energy you have when you exercise.
"It's boring." There are lots of ways to make exercise more fun. For tips, click here.
"I'm not good at sports." You can do lots of activities without competing against others. Try walking with a friend, shopping, or ice-skating. Just go out there and have fun!
"It's too hot or cold outside." If you dress appropriately, the weather should not affect your ability to exercise. For more on how to dress, click here.
"It's too hard." Everyone has different abilities when it comes to physical activity. Do what feels right to you, and slow down if it feels too hard.
"I'm not fat." The benefits of exercise go way beyond weight control -- EVERYONE needs exercise to be healthy.
Deciding to exercise is one of the best things you can do for yourself. But deciding must lead to doing, and this is where many people stumble. Fortunately, you can easily integrate exercise into your life if you are a little creative:
Break it up -- You get the most benefit from exercise if you do it for at least 60 minutes a day for 5 - 6 days a week. But you do not have to do 60 minutes in a row. Studies suggest that you get the same benefits if you work out for 20 minutes 3 times a day as you do during a longer session.
Deciding to exercise is one of the best things you can do for yourself. But deciding must lead to doing, and this is where many people stumble. Fortunately, you can easily integrate exercise into your life if you are a little creative:
Break it up -- You get the most benefit from exercise if you do it for at least 60 minutes a day for 5 - 6 days a week. But you do not have to do 60 minutes in a row. Studies suggest that you get the same benefits if you work out for 20 minutes 3 times a day as you do during a longer session.
Do what you like -- Any activity that raises your heart rate counts as exercise. If you don't enjoy traditional sports, then wash your car, go dancing, mow the lawn, or any of hundreds of other things.
Some exercise is better than none -- True, everyone should work out at least three times a week, but you will still benefit from less frequent or less intense exercise.
Mix it up -- You do not have to do the same exercises day after day. In fact, most fitness professionals recommend varying your activities so you can work different parts of your body. This can help you avoid injury and keeps your exercise program fresh.
Be a free agent -- While health clubs offer a variety of equipment, weights, and classes, none of that is necessary. Thousands of people exercise every day with no more than a solid pair of sneakers. Some people prefer the fitness center environment, but you do not need a gym to get fit.
Plan on making physical activity a part of your everyday life. Do things you enjoy. Go for brisk walks. Ride a bike. Dance. Work around the house and in the yard. Trim your hedges without a power tool. Rake leaves. Climb stairs!
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Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Monday, June 27, 2011
Sunday, June 26, 2011
Volcano in Japan
26 Kagoshima Local Meteorological Observatory, Kagoshima, Kirishima mountain range located on the border of Miyazaki (as Moe Shin) (1421 m) the eruption alert level to "2 (Regulation crater)" to "3 (Iriyama regulation)," raised . That there is a risk of widespread scattered cinder. Level 3 alert, the first time since the eruption alert level system was introduced in December 2007, the Meteorological Agency. Kirishima City, Kagoshima Prefecture, were banned within a radius of 2 kilometers from the crater. According to the same weather stations, a very small eruption occurred at 7:00 in the morning 31 minutes. 3:30 pm up to 1500 meters in the plume, the ash flowed extensively to the southeast. Ash flows in Miyazaki will be closed to traffic and highway Miyazaki, Miyazaki airport fine but the other one after another, and even forego some sections the navigation JR, have begun to impact on civilian life. Observatory, "If further increases the amount of magma, may cause massive eruption" and as flying in the morning to investigate the situation 27. Aviation Department - Shooting - Mainichi
Close-up of damage at crisis-hit Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant
Close-up of damage at crisis-hit nuclear power plant
A video provided by the Japanese government shows footage taken at the crisis-hit Fukushima No. 1 Nuclear Power Plant. It has been learned that water containing high levels of radiation has been gathering on the floors of turbine buildings of the plant's No. 1, 2 and 4 nuclear reactors. The news comes after three emergency workers were exposed to radiation at the No. 3 reactor. In the No. 2 reactor in particular, radiation of more than 1,000 millisieverts per hour -- more than 1,000 times the maximum limit of radiation an ordinary person is allowed to be exposed to in a year -- was detected on the water's surface. (Video courtesy of the Ministry of Defense)
Tsunami earthquake that occurred in East is East and reached the coast around within 10 minutes after the earthquake, it might be a dozen or more meters in height climbed up, Takashi Komura of Tokyo Earthquake Research The analysis found the professors office. Komura and his colleagues, based on an analysis of the U.S. Geological Survey, 600 km from north to south in the first earthquake, assuming the fault moved 17 m 250 km east to west. Reproduced in the computer generation and the conduction of the tsunami. As a result, the tsunami waves began pulling slightly to the side of the Pacific Ocean coast of Ibaraki Prefecture, Iwate Prefecture, early arrival at less than 10 minutes. Typically, the tsunami is transferred from the epicenter in concentric circles, and fast reach closest to the epicenter, the earthquake has long since moved north and south leading to the offshore area off Sanriku Ibaraki, almost simultaneously reached the coast of East that there is a possibility. Professor Takashi Komura of Tokyo Earthquake Research Institute - provides video =]
Footage shows tsunami hitting Iwate city
Mobile phone footage provided to the Mainichi by a reader shows a massive tsunami striking the city of Kamaishi, Iwate Prefecture, on March 11, 2011.
Radioactive material was released by TEPCO Fukushima first nuclear accident, how to spread in North America and Europe take the strong westerlies, Kyushu University, reproduced by computer simulation, such as Tokyo University team. Online Journal of Meteorological Society of Japan issued nearly "SOLA" to announce. http://mainichi.jp/select/science/news/m20110623k0000m040062000c.html
Friday, June 24, 2011
AHF How To Use a Condom: A Step by Step Guide with VIDEO Illustration
The MALE Condom
Naturally, the more you use a condom, the more confident you'll become with putting it on. Practice alone or with your partner, It can be fun, loving, and sexy thing you can learn together.
Putting on a Condom
- Carefully open the condom package at one corner being careful not to tear the condom with your fingernail, teeth or a sharp object.
- Place the rolled condom over the tip of the hard penis. If there is no reservoir tip, pinch it to give it one and leave room to let semen collect.
- If you’re not circumcised, pull back the foreskin before putting the condom on the head of your penis.
- Pinching the air out of the condom with one hand (air bubbles can cause breakage), unroll the condom down the full length of your penis to the base with the other.
- Make sure the condom is right side out. Unroll it a bit to see if it unrolls easily. If so, you’re doing it right. If not, try again with a new condom. You just need a little practice.
- For anal intercourse, lube up! Put the lube on after you put on the condom. It can actually reduce breakage. Always use check lubricants to see if they are safe to use with latex condoms.
Removing the Condom
- Pull out of your partner before the penis softens.
- Hold the condom firmly at the base of the penis at the rim so it doesn't slip off.
- Remove the condom being careful not to the spill the semen.
- Dispose of the condom by wrapping it in a tissue and throwing it way. Avoid flushing it down the toilet.
- Wash your hands with soap and water.
Putting on the Condom
- Open the package carefully and choose a comfortable position for insertion. You may want to lie down, squat, raise one leg or sit.
- Make sure the condom is lubricated enough. You can add lubrication inside the condom or to the penis. Female condoms are polyurethane; so oil-based lubricants can be used.
- The inner ring should be at the bottom closed end of the sheath. Hold the sheath with the open end hanging down.
- Squeeze the inner ring with your thumb and middle finger. This will make it long and narrow.
- Insert the inner ring into the vagina and feel it go up. Place your index finger inside the condom and push the inner ring as far as it will go. Make sure the condom is not twisted.
- The outer ring should remain outside the vagina. The penis should be guided into the condom to ensure it doesn't slip into the vagina during intercourse.
- Use enough lubricant so the condom stays in place during sex.
Removing the female Condom
- Remove before standing up. Squeeze and twist the outer ring. Pull it out gently keeping the semen inside.
- Wrap the condom in its original package or a tissue and throw it away. Avoid flushing it down the toilet.
- Wash your hands with soap and water.
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Slacker Internet Radio Channel is offering Slacker Premier Radio for 1-month for FREE!!
I just recently "liked" Slacker Internet Radio on facebook and as part of their current "Thank you" campaign they are offering 1-month of Premium Service for FREE!
If you listen to Slacker Radio on your smartphone, make sure to download the latest version of the free app to get all of the new features. Simply go to www.slacker.com from the browser on your phone or search for "Slacker" in your mobile app store.
Share the wealth! Send your friends to www.facebook.com/SlackerRadio so they can enjoy a free month for themselves!
Visit http://www.slacker.com/ today. |
Be sure to take full advantage of your new Slacker Premium Radio gift subscription. There are a lot of exciting new features. Give these a try:
- Search for your favorite album and play it
- Replay songs on Slacker radio stations
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Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Monday, June 20, 2011
Japan's Radiation Twice As Bad As Reported / Mutations now forming in rabbits
Japan's Radiation Twice As Bad As Reported
Fukushima mutant rabbit: Earless bunny born near radiation zone
Tunisian fruit vendor set's himself on fire after his cart was seized by police
(Tunisia, North East Africa - December 2010)- Protests began to erupt after the self-immolation of a fruit vendor whose cart had been seized by local police authorities.
The former strongman's political party has since been dissolved by a court order, and parliamentary elections have been scheduled for July.
Earlier this month, Ben Ali said he has been unfairly portrayed and discredited by political opponents seeking to make a break with their country's past. In a written statement released by one of his attorneys, Jean-Yves Le Borgne, Ben Ali said it was time to break his silence because he was "tired of being made a scapegoat" and is a victim of "injustice."
Ben Ali said that searches of his official and personal offices were "merely stage dressing" meant to discredit him. He denied allegations that he had improper bank accounts or property holdings outside Tunisia, calling the charges "nothing but a masquerade with the only purpose of illustrating a symbolic break with the past."
Contrary to the assertions of his opponents, Ben Ali argued that he worked for what he thought "was the good of the Tunisian people, improving living standards and progressing on the path to modernity."
Saturday, June 18, 2011
10 Rules of the US Flag
The U.S. Flag Code formalizes and unifies the traditional ways in which we give respect to the flag, also contains specific instructions on how the flag is not to be used.
The following is a list of do’s and don’ts associated with Old Glory, the U.S. Flag.
When displaying the flag, DO the following:
- Display the U.S. flag from sunrise to sunset on buildings and stationary flagstaffs in the open. When a patriotic effect is desired the flag may be displayed 24-hours a day if properly illuminated during the hours of darkness.
- When placed on a single staff or lanyard, place the U.S. Flag above all other flags.
- When flags are displayed in a row, the U.S. flag goes to the observer’s left. Flags of other nations are flown at same height. State and local flags are traditionally flown lower.
- When used during a marching ceremony or parade with other flags, the U.S. Flag will be to the observer’s left.
- On special days, the flag may be flown at half-staff. On Memorial Day it is flown at half-staff until noon and then raised.
- When flown at half-staff, should be first hoisted to the peak for an instant and then lowered to the half-staff position. The flag should be again raised to the peak before it is lowered for the day. By "half-staff" is meant lowering the flag to one-half the distance between the top and bottom of the staff. Crepe streamers may be affixed to spear heads or flagstaffs in a parade only by order of the President of the United States.
- When the flag is displayed over the middle of the street, it should be suspended vertically with the union (blue field of stars) to the north in an east and west street or to the east in a north and south street.
- When the flag is displayed in a manner other than by being flown from a staff, it should be displayed flat, whether indoors or out. When displayed either horizontally or vertically against a wall, the union (blue field of stars) should be uppermost and to the flag's own right, that is, to the observer's left. When displayed in a window it should be displayed in the same way -- with the union or blue field to the left of the observer in the street.
- When the flag is displayed on a car, the staff shall be fixed firmly to the chassis or clamped to the right fender.
- When the flag is used to cover a casket, it should be so placed that the union is at the head and over the left shoulder. The flag should not be lowered into the grave or allowed to touch the ground.
Friday, June 17, 2011
Pandora's stock goes BELOW IPO price but keeps signing...
SAN FRANCISCO— Buyer's remorse already may be setting in for some investors in Internet radio station Pandora Media Inc.
After intense demand drove up the price for Pandora's initial public offering of stock, the shares lost nearly a quarter of their value their second day of trading.
Thursday's harsh reversal of fortune left Pandora's stock below its IPO price of $16. The shares fell $4.16, or 24 percent, to close at $13.26.
The downturn indicates the earlier euphoria about Pandora Media may have been misguided. The excitement enabled Pandora Media's IPO to sell for twice as much as an $8 target price set two weeks ago.
The misgivings are bad news for investors who paid as much as $26 on Pandora's first day of trading.
But the circumspection is encouraging for those worried about an investment bubble forming around promising Internet services that have attracted large audiences.
Pandora boasts 94 million users looking for a different kind of radio station. The company, based in Oakland, California, streams music over high-speed Internet connections and relies on computer formulas to tailor individual songs for listeners.
The approach hasn't been profitable yet, one reason some analysts thought Pandora had been overvalued in its IPO. The company has lost a total of $92 million during its 11-year history. The problem: Pandora's main source of revenue, advertising, hasn't been growing fast enough to cover the royalties for playing music.
Pandora's IPO came less than a month after the stock market debut of online professional networking service LinkedIn Corp. evoked memories of the dot-com boom in the late 1990s.
LinkedIn's shares more than doubled on their first day of trading to give the company a market value of $9 billion. The stock has plunged nearly 28 percent since then, although it remains well above LinkedIn's IPO price of $45. LinkedIn shares shed $6.35, or 8.5 percent, Thursday to close at $68.27.
After intense demand drove up the price for Pandora's initial public offering of stock, the shares lost nearly a quarter of their value their second day of trading.
Thursday's harsh reversal of fortune left Pandora's stock below its IPO price of $16. The shares fell $4.16, or 24 percent, to close at $13.26.
The downturn indicates the earlier euphoria about Pandora Media may have been misguided. The excitement enabled Pandora Media's IPO to sell for twice as much as an $8 target price set two weeks ago.
The misgivings are bad news for investors who paid as much as $26 on Pandora's first day of trading.
But the circumspection is encouraging for those worried about an investment bubble forming around promising Internet services that have attracted large audiences.
Pandora's IPO |
The approach hasn't been profitable yet, one reason some analysts thought Pandora had been overvalued in its IPO. The company has lost a total of $92 million during its 11-year history. The problem: Pandora's main source of revenue, advertising, hasn't been growing fast enough to cover the royalties for playing music.
Pandora's IPO came less than a month after the stock market debut of online professional networking service LinkedIn Corp. evoked memories of the dot-com boom in the late 1990s.
LinkedIn's shares more than doubled on their first day of trading to give the company a market value of $9 billion. The stock has plunged nearly 28 percent since then, although it remains well above LinkedIn's IPO price of $45. LinkedIn shares shed $6.35, or 8.5 percent, Thursday to close at $68.27.
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
Saturday, June 11, 2011
A first-class ticket on the Titanic would cost approximately $XX,XXX today!
A first-class ticket on the Titanic would cost about $57,200 today!
Factoring in inflation, the $2,500 first-class tickets would be $57,200. The most expensive rooms on the ill-fated luxury liner would cost more than $103,000 now!
On the plus side:
On the other hand:
Factoring in inflation, the $2,500 first-class tickets would be $57,200. The most expensive rooms on the ill-fated luxury liner would cost more than $103,000 now!
On the plus side:
- You could get access to the swimming pool for only 25 cents! Even adjusting for inflation, it’s less than $6.
- For 50 cents, or less than 12 inflation-adjusted dollars, you got access to the squash courts, and could play with a professional squash player!
- You also got FREE access to the Titanic’s 60 chefs.
- You even got the opportunity to see an iceberg up close for free! (too soon?)
On the other hand:
- third-class passengers only had to pay 40 bucks, or $900 in modern currency (which is actually fairly comparable to the price of a flight from Southampton to New York right now).
- Lower-class rooms often housed as many as ten passengers, but they were separated by gender so families had to be split up!
- The 700 third-class passengers all had to share the same 2 bathtubs.
Friday, June 10, 2011
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
SELF ASSESMENT QUIZ by USA TODAY titled, "What Generation do you belong to?"
Click here for USA TODAY'S Self Quiz, "Which Generation do YOU belong to?"
The generation you belong to isn't just about the year of your birth, but about your cultural experiences. Take this quiz and pick which fashion trends, news events, movies, TV shows or toys you remember from your formative years. Then we'll match you up with your generation.
Ready? Then click on the link above and get started!
Generation Y Are You A True Gen Y'er? Find out with this simple Self-Test
CLICK Generation Y Are You A True Gen Yer | Lifescript.com TO TAKE THE QUIZ
Do you qualify as a Generation Y'er? If you ever wore grunge, sent a text to someone sitting right next to you, or turned down a job because it didn't offer enough time to volunteer in Botswana every summer, you might be what some call a Millennial. Take this Generation Y quiz to find out where you fall.
South central Chile volcano erupts 6 miles high
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
Apple Store is NYC's Most Photographed Attraction
Pictured here is the Apple's iconic Fifth Avenue store in New York City (the store is actually underground) |
Times Square and Rockefeller Center often top the must-see list for New York City-bound tourists, but the Lourve-inspired Apple store on Fifth Avenue is surprisingly the number one most photographed attraction in Manhattan.
Researcher Eric Fischer mapped and analyzed millions of photos on flickr that were taken throughout the city and looked at their geo-tagged information -- such as time and date they were shot --to determine patterns of interest.
Although the sleek glass exterior of the Fifth Avenue Apple store gets the most pictures, Rockefeller Center (no. 2), Columbus Circle (no. 3) and Times Square (no. 4) were also on the list.
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