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Friday, December 25, 2020
Wednesday, December 23, 2020
Tuesday, October 20, 2020
Thursday, October 8, 2020
Sunday, October 4, 2020
Sunday, September 27, 2020
Thursday, September 24, 2020
Happy Bisexual Awareness Day 2020 (as defined)!
First off, Happy Bisexual Visibility Day, guys! We observe this occasion on September 23 each year to “recognize and celebrate bisexual people, the bisexual community, and the history of bisexuality.”
How many of you here are living their lives as out and proud bisexuals?
We are asking because according to Pew Research Center’s study, bisexuals “account for about four-in-ten LGBT adults in the United States.” But did you know that bisexual adults are “much less likely than gays and lesbians to be ‘out’ to the important people?
This is probably because “they don’t feel accepted and supported not only in the society but also within the LGBT+ community.”
In fact a study found that, and I quote:
- bisexual men are less socially accepted as opposed to bisexual women, gay men, and lesbians
- Only 8% of the respondents felt there was “a lot of social acceptance of bisexual men”
- 46% said there was “only a little or no social acceptance for this group”
- among bisexuals, 40% reported in 2013 that they had “ever been subject to slurs or jokes”
- 31% said they had been “rejected by a friend or family member because they were bisexual.”
The myths surrounding bisexuality aren’t really helping any. There’s a popular notion that bisexuals are, among many others, simply:
- sluts and are always on the lookout for threesomes
- just going through a phase
- just confused
- they are attracted to anything that moves
- they simply can’t pick a side: straight or gay
- they are greedy
- they are unfaithful
So, going back to the question at hand, do we need Bisexual Visibility Day?
The answer is yes. For as long as inequality and these misconceptions and myths persist; for as long as there is a need for awareness and there’s a problem regarding its social acceptance… yes. Yes, we do!
VIDEO: See and Listen to the public outcry, "Vote him out!!" (talk about an awkward moment)...
V O T E H I M O U T !!
— 🏝Kim Sherrell (@kim) September 24, 2020 #VoteHimOut2020 #TrumpCoupPlot #VoteHimOut #DictatorTrump
Tuesday, September 22, 2020
Jack\'n my meat off in my buddies bathroom in Laguna Beach...
Jack'n my meat off in my buddies bathroom in Laguna Beach...
Monday, September 14, 2020
Monday, September 7, 2020
Vivitar's Skytracker drone
The VTI Skytracker Camera Drone with GPS and Wifi is the perfect hobby camera drone.
With one button take off and landings, this drone is easy to fly and the follow me technology ensures that the drone captures every minute you want.
The approx 16 minute flight time allows you to fly to the max range of 1000 feet and the GPS will allow the drone to go back automatically to it's home position after each flight.
- 720p full HD video
- approx 16 minutes flight time
- one button take off and landings
- Follow Me function via AppMax range of 1000 feet
- WiFi streaming via App
- Three distinct speed modes
- Control via the Skytracker app (downloable from the Google app store)
- a traditional remote controller is included.
Friday, July 10, 2020
(San Diego, Ca) While Black Lives Matter protests are understandably getting most of the media attention recently, it doesn’t mean that the global corona virus pandemic has stopped spreading or has stopped being a cause for concern. And as the world slowly transitions into the new normal, it is expected that people will be curious about what sex will be like in this new environment.
A new study published in the Annals of Internal Medicine outlines measures that reduce the risks people face should they decide to forego social distancing and choose to meet up with new sexual partners instead.
According to the study, the first thing to do is to limit the number of sexual partners, as it makes it easier to do contact tracing if an infection does happen.
Fewer partners also make it easier to accomplish the second step recommended by the study, which is to dig into your possible partner’s medical history and see if they have previously exhibited any symptoms associated with COVID-19. These symptoms include a loss of smell and taste, fever, coughs, and exhaustion.
If your partner is all clear with regards to COVID-19 symptoms, you’ll have to count out kissing and making out, as droplets from the mouth carry and spread the novel coronavirus. In fact, the study recommends wearing a mask during sex. They also discourage rimming as it has been suspected that fecal-oral transmission possibly spreads COVID-19.
Health officials already recommend hand-washing to stem the spread of COVID-19, but the study now also recommends taking a shower before and after sex, as well as cleaning whatever area you’re going to have sex in with disinfectant.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Monday, February 10, 2020
Sunday, January 12, 2020
Economics, Sexuality, and Male Sex Work by Trevon D. Logan (Author)
Male sex work generates sales in excess of one billion dollars annually in the United States. Recent sex scandals involving prominent leaders and government shutdowns of escort websites have focused attention on this business, but despite the attention that comes when these scandals break, we know very little about how the market works. Economics, Sexuality, and Male Sex Work is the first economic analysis of male sex work. Competition, the role of information, pricing strategies and other economic features of male sex work are analyzed using the most comprehensive data available. Sex work is also social behavior, however, and this book shows how the social aspects of gay sexuality influence the economic properties of the market. Concepts like desire, masculinity and sexual stereotypes affect how sex workers compete for clients, who practices safer sex, and how sex workers present themselves to clients to differentiate them from the competition.
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